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Saskatoon High Net Worth Divorce Lawyers

high net worth divorce lawyer

If you and your spouse have a total net worth of over $1 million then you need specialized divorce lawyers with the right background to handle your case. At the family lawyer of Saskatoon, many of our lawyers have a background in business and real estate law, making us the perfect partners in your high net worth divorce.

These types of divorces can become very contentious very fast, as dividing certain types of property can impact their overall value. Each spouse tends to be fearful of losing their lifestyle and wants to get as much as they possibly can. You need steady guidance during this time.

Our lawyers are here for you. You can rest assured that you’ll get top-notch legal advice that guides you to the best outcome possible under the law.

Do all High Net Worth Divorces Go to Litigation?

No. Some 92% of all divorces are settled out of court. That’s usually best for both parties.

In litigation, you lose control, even with an excellent lawyer by your side. You’re trusting your fate to a judge who spends only a few short minutes looking over your assets and making decisions about your life.

When you negotiate, both you and your spouse get to maintain control and act from a place of knowing about your lives and needs.

Need spousal support if not married, visit here

How do I Get The Most Money after a Divorce?

The best way is to take a deep breath and to be realistic. Neither you nor your spouse gets to walk away with “everything.” Unless your marriage was very short, you’re both going to walk away with something close to a 50/50 division of marital property. The certain property you brought with you into the marriage, such as a business, will usually be exempt from the discussion.

Ask your lawyer for some likely scenarios. Get clear on what matters to you the most, and be willing to find different ways to achieve your goals. The more you fight, get angry, or attempt to use the process to get revenge, the more expensive the divorce will be.

Above all, do not try to hide assets. The court will find them. They will often sanction you by giving everything you tried to hide directly to your spouse. This is one of the surest ways to end up losing out on what would have been a 50/50 split.

Finally, be aware that many professionals might have to get involved before the divorce is done. Your business will need a formal valuation. Your accountants will need to evaluate tax consequences. Sophisticated legal and financial vehicles may need to be constructed to get everyone’s terms met. Be patient with the process and work on being a productive part of your legal team. 

Get Help Today

Just call (306) 653-7757 to set an appointment with one of our high net worth divorce lawyers. Be sure to tell us that you’re looking for a high net worth divorce expert when you call so that we can match you with a lawyer who will be a good fit for your needs.