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What is the Difference between Divorce and Annulment?

Difference between Divorce and Annulment

What is the Difference Between Divorce and Annulment? It is one of the burning questions for many people. Most people think divorce and annulment concepts same and interchangeable. But there are many differences between divorce and annulment.

Divorce means the end of a domestic marriage relationship. On the other hand, an annulment means the marriage never existed. Both divorce and annulment refer to marital status but may apply in different situations.

A marriage that can be legally constituted or annulled, while on the other hand, the separation of the marriage requires a divorce.

In this article, we talk about the Difference Between Divorce and Annulment.

What is a Divorce?

A legal termination and ending of a legally valid marriage are called divorce. It ends a legally valid marriage and declares the spouses to be single again. Divorcing couples can still dispute property, finances, and child custody through court orders.

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What is an Annulment?

A legal decision that cancels a marriage by declaring the marriage null and void is called annulment. It claims that a marriage to have been invalid.

Difference between Divorce and Annulment in Tagalog

Divorce and annulments both have the same outcomes. Both divorce and annulment dissolve the marriage. But it is different in how they treat the marriage.

When you get divorced, you are still recognized as having married previously. On the other hand, an annulment means treats the marriage as though it never existed.

Civil Annulments

Annulments are a type of help for people who were put in circumstances in which they should never have been married. It treats the marriage as though never existed if the person must have a valid reason. Some issues differentiate the annulment and divorce.

Fraud: One of the life partners who hid the truth about something defined as a fraud in Civil annulment. The hid subject could be one of the life partners have children, marrying to become a U.S citizen, or not being of legal age to get married. It considers as fraud to the other spouses.

Concealment: One of the life partners keeps a secret on significant issues, such as felony conviction.

Lack of Consent: Lack of consent means that the married couple or both do not have the mental capability to agree to the marriage intentionally. The result can discard of their marriage life.

Fault Divorce

Fault divorces mean that you have blamed another spouse for life partners. Fault grounds for divorce are decided by some issues. One of the spouses infected with a sexually transmitted disease is mainly affected by the fault divorce. Other problems are mental or physical cruelty, attempted murder of the other parties, alcohol abuse or drug use, and many other issues.

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No-fault Divorce

Married couples who are seeking a divorce but need not prove that the other parties have done something wrong. Spouses who have lived separately for two years cannot be blamed.

Life partners failed to settle with one another; the conflicts between them are another type that defines the cause of non-fault.


When it comes to your mind, what’s the difference between divorce and divorce in Tagalog? You need to get divorced and terminated individually. Cancellation and Divorce have the same result. It can legally end your marriage, and you can remarry if you wish.

Whether you are facing a lawsuit, you should first discuss your case with your lawyer. Your lawyer will help you analyze your case and determine what they do for you.

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