Winning a child custody case is often difficult for fathers. They need a proper plan and go through several complicated issues to win the battle. This article offers you a complete guideline on how a father can win a child custody case.
If you go for filing for full custody in Saskatoon, we recommend you to learn about child custody of Saskatoon father rights. Also, you can take help from our experienced child custody lawyers. Let’s move to explore.
Father’s Rights in Custody Battles
A father can adopt several ways to win his child’s custody battle. However, a father’s rights in custody battles lead to some effective ways which help him to get the desired result from a child custody case. These ways include:
Negotiation in Good Faith
Most of the custody case results end up with a good outcome just through negotiation and mutual discussion. Negotiation can solve complex problems easily. Sometimes, in child custody case negotiation, mediation plays a significant role. The mediator acts like a neutral party and helps the two parties, meaning two parents, reach an agreement.
Flexible Behavior with Other Parent
While dealing with your child custody case, you must maintain flexible behavior with the other parent of your child, its mother. If you can prove with your behavior that you are safe and secured for your child, the mother would not create problems in winning your custody battle.
You need to allow your child to meet and spend enough time with its mother for that purpose. You should discuss and cooperate with her on various vital issues related to your child.
Having Good References
You can make your stance and arguments strong if you have enough references by your side. That means that you are appropriate for getting the child custody can become stronger if some of your family members, friends, and other relatives give their consents in this regard.
For example, if someone from your side provides a written or oral reference that you are very careful about your child, the court might take the issue more seriously.
Stress on Earning Power
Maintaining a child is somehow costly. You have to bear many expenses such as food, education, entertainment, medical treatment, transportation, clothing, and many more.
If you shed light on the issue that your income is higher than the child’s mother’s, the court might think about the child’s financial security and give custody to you.
What Types of Father’s Custody Rights are at Stake?
Father’s rights for the custody of children may vary from state to state. It mainly depends upon the statutes of a state. But on average, in every state, some custody rights of a father are at stake. Such as,
Legal Custody
In the case of legal custody, you possess the power to make decisions about your child’s medical or educational issues. Not only these, but you can also have control over every crucial decision of your child’s life. If you get shared legal custody, it is not necessary to live with your child to exercise your rights.
Residential or Physical Custody
Residential or physical custody makes the time limitation how many days or how much time your child can live with you. During the period you are living with your child, you have full control over them. But if your custody limits it for a certain time, you can no longer have full control over your child once the time limit ends.
Sole or Shared Custody
Your rights are at stake based on what type of custody you have, either sole or shared custody. Sole custody allows you to take all the responsibilities of your child alone or primarily by yourself.
On the other hand, shared custody can limit your rights on your child like fixed visitation period, half power of taking important decisions, and so on.
How a Father Can Win a Child Custody Case?
It is not that much easy to win custody battles for fathers. This section provides some influential tips on how a father can win a child custody case. Read on to learn.
Pay Your Child Support Payment
To win a child custody case, you must make a good record in front of the court. For that reason, you need to pay your child support payment regularly, no matter what. When the court checks out your records and contributions for your children, it will help you out a lot.
Talk to Other Parents
You can discuss your issue with some other parents who have already gone through this kind of process. Although everyone gains unique experiences, at least you can get some ideas and suggestions about what you should do and what you should not.
Make a Proper Plan
While entering the process, you must make a proper plan to handle all the issues. For example, if you get custody, the court might ask you questions about how you will maintain your child’s accommodation, education, medication, and others. You must prepare yourself to answer all these questions confidently and convincingly.
Respect the Other Parent
You must respect the other parent or the mother who loses the custody battle of your child. Throughout the process, you might need to discuss several issues with her. You have to respect her decisions and opinions as she is the mother who has given birth to your child.
Keep track of Visitations
Your visitation record shows up how much you are responsible and committed to your child. How often you come to visit your children proves how much you love and care for them. So, you must keep track of your visitation with the child. It makes an excellent impression on the court.
How Can a Father Get Full Custody of His Child?
Full custody means getting sole custody of your child. When you win the battle of your child’s custody, think that you have almost reached full custody. You need to go through another question-answer session by the court.
In a custody case, the court and the judge are mostly concerned with the child’s safety and security and a sound environment for their physical and mental growth. The court might ask you about how you will deal with your children when they feel low or broken and something like this. You have to convince the court with your answer.
You have to make the court believe that you are capable of perfectly handling your child. You can achieve that using the ways and tips mentioned in the previous sections. Thus, you can get full custody of your child.
So, perhaps now you are clear about how a father can win a child custody case. We have presented a complete guideline throughout the entire article. Hopefully, this information will help you out a lot while dealing with your own child custody case—best of luck.
Frequently Asked Questions
How to Get Custody of Child in Canada?
When the court realizes that you are a perfect parent who can assure a secured life and future for your child, it will grant you child custody in Canada.
How to Get Child Support in Canada?
You have to apply for child support in Canada to the court. The court will review your arguments and decide the child support amount based on it.
How to Get Full Custody in Canada?
To get full custody in Canada, parents need to prove in front of the court that they can provide a secure and stable life to their children. Because the court always thinks about the child’s interest.